Homecoming/Big Game Spirit Week
Spirit Week
MON-8/30: Miming Around- “Twin Day”
Come dressed the same as someone else.
TUE-8/31: Dynamic Differences
Dress as a sport or activity of something you DO NOT normally participate in at LHS.
WED-9/1: Take a Peek into your Future!
Dress as your future career.
THUR-9/2: Prepare to be Hypnotized
You are now under deep sleep, come to school in your pajamas.
FRI-9/3: Our Pride can’t Be Tamed!
EXTREME Blue & White!
About the Contributor
Kaleb De La Cruz
Kaleb De La Cruz is a senior at Lompoc High School, and this is his first year in Journalism. In Kaleb's free time he enjoys playing video games, hanging...