Senior Brunch c/o 2022

On Wednesday, August 18th one of the first senior events of the year occurred. The 2021 Senior Brunch! As a member of the class of 2021, I was very appreciative of the opportunity to have a senior event like the brunch itself. The Brunch was during the advisory period in the front of the cafeteria. Before the brunch started everyone got together and we all went to the open grass area behind the stadium to take senior pictures. After taking pictures, we were told to sit in the stadium for one more picture. Many seniors made their senior signs and senior shirts with their friends for the picture. 

At the brunch there were tons of food such as muffins, croissants, bagels, and so much more. The seniors were eating their brunch and taking pictures with all of their friends to document this exciting time. 

When talking to some of the Seniors I had asked what they thought about the brunch. Senior Anahi Rodriguez said, “The senior brunch was fun because I could hangout with my friends that I haven’t seen in a long time due to COVID”. It seems like Anahi enjoyed the brunch, but Gabriel Deleon on the other hand felt differently. When asked the same question he said, “My experience at the senior brunch was fun but not at all what I expected. I expected the brunch to be us on the patio, and it did not meet that expectation at all. I wonder how the barbeque would’ve been”. Senior Tiana Le had a different issue:  “My experience at the senior brunch was fun but I wish it was longer. I felt like it was rushed and I had barely any time to take pictures, get food, and eat. Overall the experience was great, I talked with people who I haven’t seen in a while and it was nice to be involved in pictures and school events”.

It seems like the senior brunch was great for seeing friends that you haven’t seen in a long time because of online school. It was really great for reconnecting with old friends. Some interpreted it differently, but overall it was a great bonding experience for the students and it was nice to have some normalcy for a Senior year.