An occurring worry in all classrooms is the usage of cell phones. It is believed to be the main reason for lack of attention, a disturbance between teachers and students, and may prevent the average student from advancing academically.
But is this actually a problem?
According to the Pew Research Center, a 2010 study revealed that 46% of students play video games, and 23% use social media throughout the day. Cell Phones encourage young students to use their phones whenever they get bored in class, and can become a distraction even if the student is not using the phone because of wireless headphones. Students who use headphones hide their earbuds behind hats, beanies, and even hair. One crucial way for students to learn is through hearing, and headphones are becoming a problem because of the attention taken away
from the teacher and the lesson.
Other than being a distraction in classrooms, cell phones can undoubtedly spread cyberbullying, rumors, and social satisfaction. Showing off cute phone cases or a new phone model is another type of disturbance in classrooms, and pictures taken without consent can spread cyberbullying or rumors that could potentially harm multiple students and affect a student’s overall grade. However, over half of cell phones are nationally banned in classrooms. Yet, this is not a threat to students due to how weakly rules are applied. For example, cell phones should be in backpacks and muted in most classes at LHS. However, there are inconsistencies throughout each class period and a lack of respect for a teacher’s rules, which is why cell phone usage in classrooms has skyrocketed.
Another issue concerning cell phones is young children in elementary and middle schools who also use phones in classrooms. Young children must learn basic education before advancing into higher grades. Cell phones have become a norm for little kids as a sense of maturity- to match older siblings or parents- or a comforting object introduced to them at a very young age.
Another aspect of cell phones in schools is the newly adopted all-internet systems schools now use instead of traditional paper. Chromebooks were introduced and first used in 2010, and as time progressed, more websites, social media, and gaming platforms have replaced phones. Students no longer had to hide behind books or even hide at all. However, that was and may still be the case as of September 2015, when GoGuardian was made and established in classrooms for teachers to view what their students were doing online, preventing any online distractions.
What does this have to do with cell phones? As more restrictions are on Chromebooks, students are using their phones to do what they did previously on the Chromebooks. The need to be socially active is rising among adolescents, encouraging them to use their phones more than usual. From doing TikTok trends to posting on social media, a growing trend even among young children.
These young children who may become future LHS students are already exposed to the internet and how distracting it can be. If schools are worried about failed tests or lack of advancement in students, the problem stems way before high school. It stems in young children, as their world revolves around the internet and their devices. Teaching young children the importance of school and how damaging cell phones can be for their future is one step closer to solving the issue of cell phones in all classrooms.