Part 2- The Show Must Go On
As opening day for the musical comes closer, participants work to make sure everything is done in time. From fixing technical problems there might be, to building and finalizing the puppet they need. Lompoc High Drama students, faculty, and volunteers have dedicated their time and efforts to making this show run smoothly.
Audrey II, a plant that is played by a puppeteer and their puppet, exchanged the hands of students and volunteers to come to life. All the while being Covid safe, the different versions of Audrey II went from person to person to get made. Pieces were cut and assembled by drama students. Sewed together by the drama’s volunteer seamstress. Then finally painted by our volunteer artist and brought back to the theatre where puppeteer Aleida Hernandez would finally start to work with it. Other volunteers behind the scenes were involved as well to support the making of the puppet.
Technical difficulties are always a problem in shows, but this year things are slightly different. While trying to use a green screen to get all the same background, the cast and Mrs. Barthel realized that some things do not show up on screen. After a little while of experimenting they finally found a solution by using their own bodies to block the special effects. Working with a green screen is new territory for most but they’ve made the best of it.