Girls Volleyball Triumphs Onward

Covid-19 struck the LHS Girls Volleyball team very hard this year, but they fought on anyway and made it through the season! 

Coach Moni, the previous Girls Volleyball coach, thought it was time to finally retire and she passed the torch onto Coach Terrones. Mrs. Terrones was happy to step in this year and coach this highly respected team, even though it was on short notice. “I had a blast doing it!” Terrones exclaimed.

During an interview, Terrones shared some of her biggest challenges when coaching this year. She revealed that the rumor about Girls Volleyball not having any seniors, was true. She stated that two key returners, Maya Mendoza and Kenly Grossini, graduated early. Terrones explained that, “It was very challenging as we looked to them for leadership with [the] young team.” Even though it wasn’t ideal, the girls understood that they couldn’t expect the seniors to stay when they had no idea what direction sports would take. In addition, Terrones later confirmed that Girls Volleyball did decide to create a team at the very last minute.  They knew that they only had the opportunity to play eight games, but they couldn’t say no. In fact, they only had 3 days to practice before their first competition but they persevered and fought hard! After all, Terrones believes that it is extremely important to provide every athlete with the opportunity to compete.

Not only did Coach Terrones fill in for the amazing, yet retired, Coach Moni, but she fought through all these obstacles (the team’s as well as her own). Terrones was very busy this year with the extra task of coaching Girls Volleyball. She is very dedicated to Lompoc High School’s sports teams, as she is the Athletics Director, Girls Basketball Coach, and now the Girls Volleyball Coach. Terrones has done a lot for LHS student athletes. “…I am a team player and would do anything for the kids!” But sadly, Coach Terrones must admit that she is on the search for a new volleyball coach for the team, “I don’t mind helping out, but I am going to leave it to the experts to run the program. It is what is best for our athletes.”

Two years ago, if Terrones ever saw herself coaching girls volleyball, she would have laughed out loud. However, two years down the line, she did coach girls volleyball and she loved it. Terrones enjoyed coaching girls volleyball, as well as getting to know the girls and their skill sets. Overall, she was glad to be able to help where she was needed.

Support your LHS Girls Volleyball peers by going to their games and cheering these fierce fighters on!  “The season is over, but the teamwork and dedication by all involved is what mattered most”