Fresh Out of Water: Staff Edition

Fresh Out of Water: Staff Edition. 

Fresh Out of Water: Staff Edition

Welcome back, avid readers of Freshman Spotlight. We have returned with yet another article about our freshest fish, Mr. Miller. 

You might be wondering, “Why is this a MR?” Well, we would like to introduce the new social worker here at Lompoc High School, Mr. Miller. Yes, we understand he’s not a freshman, but I now bring you to our segment, Fresh Out of Water: Staff Edition

On our first round of questions, we asked him what his favorite aspect of his job was. With that, he had answered that watching the students grow and mature from the hardships they are faced with was his favorite thing. Another enjoyable aspect of his job was to watch the students also achieve their goals; whether that’d be the little achievement of picking up trash around the patio area during lunch or getting into their dream college. Just to watch the kids grow from their goals and to become someone successful. 

Following this question, we then asked him if he had always worked in Lompoc. In which he responded with, not always, for this is his first year here working as a social worker in Lompoc.

We then asked him to describe himself in five words and the words he gave us were:






To finish this interview off we asked him if he had anything else to tell us and he gave us a quote from a past mentor, “Do everything you can that builds trust and do nothing to break that trust.”

This concludes our interview with our newest social worker for Lompoc High school, Mr. Miller. This has been Vanna S. and S. Files, your writers of,

Fresh Out of Water

Staff Edition.