Robins Experience in America

Robins Experience in America

One of our newest forgein exchange students has been enjoying the States so far, California especially! He says he’s living the American dream and is generally very appreciative of it. One reason he chose to come here is to study different languages such as Spanish and English. He is very interested in the Spanish and Finance courses we have here at Lompoc High, which he calls his current favorite subjects. He also says that he finds America to be one of the best places to learn about economics, which is a big interest of his. Robin has mentioned that he has visited all of the little towns in our county! He took a trip to Yosemite National Park and had tons of fun! He’s also been to the bigger cities of California, such as Los Angeles and San Diego.

Robin also mentioned being involved in our school sports programs. He stated, “I first tried waterpolo, but the season ended early. So then, I started soccer and baseball at the same time, which I succeeded to be part of the varsity teams.” In his spare time he goes to the gym and hangs out with his new American friends. He shared that back in his hometown, it’s very small, with big gardens and less activity. He emphasized that although he’s having a great time, he does miss his family and friends back home. But does his best not to think too much about it, so he doesn’t lower his spirits! After graduating from Lompoc High he plans to find a job and visit his family and friends back home as soon as possible! In September, he’ll be researching opportunities to apply to and attend a University to major in the field of engineering management. His experience here in the States has been awesome, despite the unfortunate circumstance of being in the Coronavirus pandemic and putting limits on his trip.